Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Jennifer is now friends with Patrick Dempsey

I have a slight addiction to Facebook. If you aren't on Facebook just sign up already. I'll totally be your friend. And if you don't know what facebook is, um, where have you been???? No, seriously, it's like an online yearbook of sorts. You can reconnect with anyone and everyone you have ever known. But, you have to approve them first before you can be "friends." So, there is very little risk of getting cyber stalked. And, you can deny friendship at any time. It's very cool. And, if I can do it, anyone can.

I signed up to Facebook last fall to look up a potential job candidate at the store. I had no clue that you had to be approved to look at their info. So much for try to do some anonymous snooping. I filled in the least amount of info as possible to get the account up and running, and literally within 24 hours I had 41 friend requests. Yeah! I have friends! I'm still totally popular.

Well, about a month ago, I was feeling all nostalgic (Ok so I was pretending that I was 19 again) and I went back on Facebook to look up old friends. I even downloaded some pictures. (It may have taken me three days and my profile picture MAY be a picture of me from last summer that deceptively makes me look thin and wrinkle free, but hey, it IS me, and my ass may be the size of the titanic but my face is still thin. Therefore, only head shots please.)

So, I have been busy looking for friends all over the country. And, once they approve your friend request, you can look at all their info and pictures. So you can totally snoop without them even knowing. It's so cool. I was dying to know who had gotten fat and who was going bald. But, as far as I can tell, I am the only fat and bald person I have come across. Bummer.

Facebook will also make suggestions of "people you may know." It's usually the younger brother of a high school friend or someone who went to the same college or something. But, a couple of weeks ago Patrick Dempsey popped up my "people you may know." What?? Patrick Dempsey? Could it really be? Upon closer inspection it certainly was a picture of McDreamy in some sort of racing suit. Weird, eh?

The funny thing is I actually met Patrick Dempsey about 10 or 15 years ago. (Sorry, I can't remember how old I am anymore so dates are really irrelevant to me.) It was at a restaurant in LA called Joan's on third which was right down the street from where I worked. We were both in line at the counter, and when I looked at him, I had that feeling of "don't I know you?" So, I kept discreetly looking at him trying to figure it out. However, he is an eye contact maker, so I was busted immediately. He attempted to make some small talk because the line was like 10 miles long. But, when he talks to you, he looks you right in the eyes, and it's kind of intimate in a weird way. I really don't know how to explain it. But, you literally can't take your eyes away.

As we continued to chit chat, I realized that he was the lawnmower guy from Can't Buy Me Love. I totally used to have a crush on him! He looked pretty much the same, but his hair wasn't as curly. Wow, now we are chatting in the deli line. How cool is that. He came in with a much older woman who was saving them a table outside. I was trying to be all cool and conversational now because I remembered who he was. So, I made the observation that it was so nice of him to take his mom out to lunch. He smiled and informed me that the woman was his wife. (He wasn't wearing a ring because I had already checked that.) "You're so funny" I say. I'm clearly being flirty Gerty at this point. Maybe he'll offer to buy my lunch or something. "No, that really is my wife" he says while staring right in my eyes. "Um, ok, sorry" I say as I start chewing on my shoe so I can put my foot in my mouth. She had to be at least 50. How should I know?

Needless to say, I bought my own lunch that day. But, maybe he remembers me from that day. Perhaps I am the girl from Joan's that he has never forgotten. We had 2 Facebook friends in common, so maybe we are meant to reconnect. Naturally I clicked on the "people you may know link" and sent him a friend request. He doesn't have to accept it right?

Within 12 hours I had a message that "Patrick Dempsey has confirmed your friend request." So, now we are pals. I'm certain he must be checking out all my info, regretting that he let me get away that day. But, I have already made it very clear to him that I am happily married now. You snooze, you lose McDreamy. Sorry 'bout that.

But, I have one person that has denied my friend request, and seriously, my ego is bruised. He was my first real boyfriend in high school, but, we like broke up in 11th grade. Um, what's up with THAT? He is friends with everyone else from High School. He is happily married with like a gazillion kids. I'm happily married with a gazillion kids. I mean, it's Facebook for crying out loud what the heck does he think I am looking to do?? I am just trying to rack up as many friends as I can. I thought we were friends. DENIED. Ouch. But, I'm over it already. After all, I have Patrick Dempsey.

So, in the spirit of Elle Woods, I am championing you all to be my friend on Facebook. It's super fun!


  1. I am McEnvious. Sorry about the gazillion texts today. I should text you my apology......

  2. ya well i got denied by paul ruocco! what the hell is up with that?? i mean i assume i was denied since i sent him a request and he is not my friend...yet he is on the 'people i may know' thingy AND friends with other 'friends' o i'm not bitter!
