Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Going to hell

I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell.

Last week, the kids were off from school for a winter break. Unfortunately, it was too freakin' cold to send them outside to play, so they stayed inside climbing the walls, and literally driving me INSANE. So, to say that I was looking foward to Monday is a gross understatement.

I literally found myself a bit giddy on Sunday night, and I started counting down the hours 'till they were back at school.

So, at 12:03 am on Monday morning when I found myself holding Ace's head over the bathroom sink while he expelled his mac'n'cheese, well, I was just a little bit depressed. Of course one of the kids would have to be sick on the first day back. Of course. Heaven forbid I should actually feel sorry for my poor child that is wretching 3 weeks worth of food out of his system. Instead, as I held a cool cloth on his forehead, I couldn't help but feel just a tinsy bit sorry for myself. Yes, I know, I'm very bad.

I called on Paco for reinforcement. Since Ace was still half asleep, I couldn't quite get him over to the toilet and he managed to plug the sink. And, for those of you without kids, well, mac'n'cheese looks exactly the same on the way down as it does on the way out. So, Paco had the lovely task of scooping out noodles from the bathroom drain while I got the ginger ale.

I prepared a puke bucket, got a glass of ginger ale, and got Ace all snug and settled back in his bed. I finally crawled back into bed at 1 expecting to have a very long night.

Miraculously, I didn't hear another peep from Ace for the rest of the night. He slept all night long, and woke up Monday morning in a great mood.

Ace tends to be a bit dramatic, so I was fully expecting the sad face and the tales of woe. I naturally assumed that he would want to stay home.

However, he started getting around like he normally does, and got himself dressed and brushed his teeth. When he went in to make his bed, he saw the puke bucket on his nightstand and asked me if he had been throwing up.

"Um, what honey? We're you sick? Do you remember being sick?" I ask in my sweet Mommy voice.

"No. But, why is the puke bucket by my bed. I think I dreamed that I was puking." He replies.

"Oh, well, maybe it's there from the last time you were sick or something. Dreaming of puking sounds more like a nightmare don't you think?" I say.

(Technically, I did not lie. It was his idea really, and I just, well, went along with it. Maybe he DID dream about throwing up. And, the puke bucket COULD have been there for a while, even though I had just put it there the night before. It COULD have been there longer. Really, it could have.)

He ate a full breakfast, wasn't running a temperature, and seemed to be fine, so off to school we went.

I dropped them off at school at 7:49, and went off on my merry way.

I fully expected a call from the nurse's office. But, to my relief, no call ever came.

When I picked him up at 2, he was fine and full of energy.

He had did his home work, had dinner, took a shower, and was in bed by 7:30.

Woooo-hoooo! Crisis averted. God will fogive me this one, right? I'm not that bad of a person, right? I mean, technically, I really didn't do anything wrong. He seemed ok, so it could've been a one time thing.


At 10:30 Ace came out of his room and started vomiting again. Fortunately for Paco, this time he made it to the toilet. But, Seriously????? AGAIN???!!!!!

We got him settled back into his bed with the puke bucket and ginger ale yet again. And, miraculously, he slept through the night for the second time.

I went into his room at 5:15 to check on him, and since he was sleeping soundly, I decided to clean up his room a bit and I removed the ginger ale can and the puke bucket. We wouldn't want him to wake up to a messy room, now would we?

He woke up at 6:05 got himself dressed, brushed his teeth, made his bed, and even made his own breakfast. I was walking on pins and needles waiting for him to mention last night's episode.

Nothing. He didn't say a word. And, since, he didn't mention anything, I didn't feel it really necessary for me to bring anything up either.

I am quite certain this gives me a one-way ticket on Satan's express. However, as I sit here at work, sipping hot coffee, listening to soothing music and checking out all the latest the internet has to offer, I feel that maybe, just maybe, it could be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. well...maybe god isnt mad at you but mothers who have sick kids at home right now ARE! you are soooo going to hell...

    totally kidding! had ya going though...anyone who says they havent sent their kid to school like that is LYING!
