Monday, February 9, 2009

Covert Ops

So, my husband says to be the other day, "um, honey, you're not using our real names on your blog, are you?"

"Well, buttercup, yes I am," I reply.

"That's probably not safe, don't you think?" He replies.

"Um, babe, I think we are pretty safe from the 17 women that read my blog. I have all their addresses on the Christmas card list." I say.

"Well, I forwarded your blog link to some of my friends and family, so I think that you should not use our names any more, just to be safe."

Woah - back the truck up - "Excuse me, Mr. Wonderful, but did you just say that you emailed my blog to your, um, family?"

"Yeah," he replies innocently.

"Um, did you actually, READ my blog before sending it to everyone you know?" I ask between clenched teeth.

"No. I don't have time to read." He tells me matter-of-factly.

"Well, stud muffin, I'm sure your parents were very interested in the part where I talked about our sex life."

"You didn't . . " he deadpans.

"Oh yes, buttercup, I went THERE. Perhaps you might actually want to read it before you forward it on next time."

I won't bore you with the details of the next 20 minutes of tongue lashing that my husband laid on me. The gist of it is that privacy is important, he has a reputation to uphold, he is a serious community member, blah, blah blah. I kindly told him that he reputation is still intact, if anything women might look at him with twinkles in their eyes because they know what a stallion he is. And, if he ever DOES decide to run for president, he will certainly get all my Girlfriends votes. (Party at the White House - Wooooo Hoooooo!) Seriously, we did discuss the repercussions of my blog if he were to ever to run for President. Wouldn't I be a superfun First Lady? Imagine the shoes and purses . . .

Anywhoo, the end result of all this is that I will now be referring to my family and friends with assumed names. Code names, if you will.

My first son will now be referred to as Ace.
My second son will be referred to as Deuce.
Son #3 will be Trey. (I couldn't very well call them all Oops, although I did consider it.)

My loving hubby will be Paco, and he will speak with a Latin accent. (Hey, a girl can dream . . .)

My Mother will still be Mother. It's generic enough.

If any of my Girlfriends have special names they would like to be referred to, please let me know before I assign you something terribly exotic.

I haven't decided on my new name yet. I am still working on that one. Oh, the power of a name. I just can't decide. What fun!

Anyway, that is the news for now. I have to go alter all my old posts so that we can run for office . . .


  1. It's just like Jack and Jackie....

    There isn't a lot that goes with Paco...Paloma? Pandora? Pia? Peachtree Schnapps?

  2. HA! The word verification for my last comment was "Ablene"'s that? Rural much?

    "Ablene's latest post: today we went to the pick-a-part for my 1973 El Camino. Once it is up and runnin' I'm gonna be a total MILF...."
