Thursday, February 19, 2009

Itchy Pittsy

I have been having a problem lately with itchy armpits. I'm not sure if it's the weather, my water, my deodorant, or all of the above. So, I have been dabbling with various experiments to see what might be the cause.

I've tried not shaving, and that lasted 10 minutes. Can't do pitt hair. Sorry

I've tried not using deodorant. Sven even commented that I was a little gamey during my last workout. So, that's no good.

I've tried using moisturizer after I get out of the shower. I think it actually made me more itchy.

Today I tried using a different deodorant. I used Paco's deodorant, as that was the only other kind in the house. I think it's adidas fresh action or something like that. Very manly.

Every now and then I'll be doing something and I get a subtle whiff and I get that feeling that I'm standing too close to a very attractive man. The smell is masculine and spicy, and, um, I'm kind of turning myself on.

Weird . . .

1 comment:

  1. I was trying to think of how to incorporate The Divinyls into this comment, but then I would be embarrassed next time I saw your mom....

    So I'll go with my 2nd thought--remember Tickle deodorant? That, along with some Love's Baby Soft Perfume, Sea Breeze Astringent, and Tame "cream rinse"....

    Good lord I'm getting old.
