Tuesday, March 31, 2009

April Fools

First and foremost, let me tell you that I am not a big fan of April Fool’s Day. I am gullible 365 days of the year, so I really don't need a full day to celebrate it. (Can you say "Sham Wow?"?) And, the only thing I could sucker someone into believing is that I am pregnant again, and, well, that JUST. . . ISN'T . . . FUNNY.

So, in honor of today being April Fool's Day and all, I am going to list all the things that may or may not have happened to me yesterday. It is up to you to decide which ones are April Fools . . .

While enjoying my morning coffee I may or may not have heard on the news that my Sham Wow pal Vince was arrested for beating up a hooker. . .

While attempting to do my hair with the new curling iron I bought to replace the one I may or may not have dropped on the floor after burning my forehead, I may or may not have realized too late that the barrel was smaller, and therefore, I may or may not have been sporting 80's bangs and a mild Jerry-curl (and coincidentally, another burnt forehead). . .

While driving into work I may or may not have heard on the radio that Justin Timberlake was in town filming a music video and I may or may not have said a silent prayer that for the first time in weeks I had my hair down and I was not wearing my spandex sausage suit but rather a black suit that may or may not have made me look flabulous. (Flabby yet FABULOUS). . .

I may or may not have posted on my Face Book site that Justin Timberlake was stalking me again. . .

I may or may not have entertained the idea for more than 20 minutes that Justin Timberlake could actually be in town before realizing it was an April Fool’s Joke . . .

I may or may not have spent far too much time at work gossiping with everyone about Justin Timberlake . . .

I may or may not have left work to pick up the kids at 2 to only realize that on Tuesdays they do not get picked up until 3 . . .

I may or may not have used the extra hour I had to go to Taco Bell and the Liquor Store. . .

I may or may not have been seen in the Liquor store with taco meat on my shirt and lettuce in my hair . . .

I may or may not have been really embarrassed when the sales clerk at the Liquor Store pulled a band-aid sized piece of lettuce from my hair at the checkout . . .

I may or may not have a drinking problem and that is why I am continually seen at the liquor store . . .

I may or may not have been too lazy to cook and fed the kids popcorn, Easter Eggs, and carrot sticks for dinner and said we were having a “movie picnic” . . .

I may or may not have taken a picture of “the money I could be saving on Geico” and considered posting on this blog . . .

I may or may not have had 2 glasses of “the body of Christ” for my dinner . . .

I may or may not have fallen asleep on the couch at 8:15 and missed most of American Idol . . .

I may or may not be going to hell because I may or may not have made the comment to Paco that I am surprised the blind guy didn’t sing a Stevie Wonder song for Motown week . . .

I may or may not want to hit the blind guy with a baseball bat because his voice may or may not make me really crazy and violent. . .

I may or may not be telling the truth and all of the above actually happened yesterday. April Fools???

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, you crack me up!! I'll bet all of those things happened yesterday as you can't make that kind of stuff up!! And I'll help you with the bat if need be....
