Saturday, May 2, 2009

Firing on All Cylinders

I have clearly upset the Gods.

I'm not sure if it was the window-licker comments or my murderous thoughts toward Paco.

Whatever it was, I'm so very, very sorry. VERY sorry.

I have spent the last 2 days fighting a miserable bug. I'm literally firing on all cylinders. Both ends are spouting like Old Faithful.

And when your relying on crutches and a wheelchair for transportation. Well, it's pretty stinkin' miserable.

And like Old Faithful, I erupt every hour, like clockwork.

The best was Paco came home from basketball and found me on the toilet, puking out my spaghetti dinner into the bathroom trash can.

Since I was unable to clean up after myself, Paco was given the wonderful task of cleaning up my mess in the trash can. And since I only used a flimsy Wegmans bag as a can liner, naturally, when he removed the bag, he managed to soak himself in my spaghetti vomit.

Perhaps that will teach him to let me out in public with a ginormous clip stuck to my head, eh?

1 comment:

  1. Well, at least you haven't been bitten by a tick and have potential Lyme Disease...

    Oh. Wait......

    Umm, so, uh, what'cha doing? What's new? How're things?
