Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another tale from the world of Jen . . .

I think it is so funny that I am officially a "blogger". This word has always made me think of a bloated jogger, so I always visualize a fat woman in sweat pants when I hear the word. I guess I fit the part pretty darn well . . .

so, today, come hell or high water I was sending the kids to school. Derek has a mild case of coughing up a lung, but the nose ooze has slowed to a slow trickle. Kade too started hacking and wheezing, but since neither were running a fever, I felt it safe to send them.

I must admit I was a bit giddy getting ready for work. Just the thought of getting out of the house was a bit, well, exciting. So, I had the usual hullaballoo of getting the boys prepped and ready, bags packed, car warmed, etc.

As we were driving to school, Derek informs me that he hates school and he is not going. I use my very best nice mommy voice and explain to him that his friends and his teacher miss him very much, and he will certainly have a great day. So, we fat-ass jeans. How very depressing.

Anywhoooo . . . that's not even the best part. So, I stop by Wal-mart to kill some time before work and bargain hunt. And, as I am walking in I notice that I am waddling like a penguin. My back has been bothering me, so I don't give it much thought. As I walk into the store, I hear "squish, click, squish, click." I realize it is coming from my shoes, so I look down to see what the problem is. Only in my world could someone walk out the door with two completely different boots. Oh yes folks, that's right, two completely different boots. In my defense, they are both black, and again I only had minimal sleep. However, one boot has a thin 3 inch heel with a square toe, and the other has a belt detail, with a 2 inch flat heel with a round toe. So different that even a man would notice. I am very thankful that the shoe police don't seem to be patrolling Wal-Mart today. I am Klassy with a capital K.

But, on the plus side, it's like I will be using the stair stepper all day. I am totally counting this towards my work-out.

Again, please pray for me. . . .


  1. And our 2 beautiful worlds colide! We share more in common than you even know.

    Love you.

  2. Hey my father's deathavisery is just a few days early. That is your day to sap out.
