Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rockin' Robin

Tweet Tweet, Tweetle leet.

I have lost my obsession with Facebook. I am now on to Twitter. I tweet.

Twitter is like a lazy Facebook. It is a site that gives you 140 characters to let people know what you are up to. It's like a status update play by play.

But, you can follow anyone. I follow some of my friends as well as people like Tina Fey, CNN Breaking News, David Letterman, P. Diddy and Chewbacca. It's really quite fun. You get a brief glimpse into their lives. I have certain updates sent right to my cell phone, so I get a daily play by play of what people are up to. And you can reply back and get instant feedback. It's really quite fun.

I find that I am much more honest on Twitter. On Facebook, I have tend to be more subdued since some of my friends are colleagues and students of my husband. But on Twitter, I find that anything goes.

I find that it is a way for me to sort of mini-blog about what is going on in my day. My Twitter name is JPwiczer. If I haven't blogged for a while, then check me out on Twitter and you will know what I have been up to.

I will share with you some of my recent tweets:

jpwiczer 23 days until Disney & three boys with strep. . .

jpwiczer thinks light up shoes are just weird.

jpwiczer is fascinated that the couple sitting across from me named their daughter Sparkle.

jpwiczer Sparkle is NOT happy.

jpwiczer wishing I was British so I could get away with saying things like "lit-ull" and "snog."

jpwiczer meeting with the Priest about the boys First Communion. Let's hope it doesn't end in a shouting match like last time.

jpwiczer escaped my meeting with no yelling. But I did pilfer a Reader's Digest. Hell for sure.

jpwiczer has killed two more houseplants. Apparently aquaglobes only work if you actually refill them.

That should give you a bit of insight into my life in the last few days. However, I will now share with you my latest tweet, which happens to be one of the best.

jpwiczer my mom stopped by and saw me tweeting and asked why I would want to "twat." I almost passed out from laughing so hard.

Happy "twatting" ya'll!

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